How to Cook Skirt Steak

Skirt steak is a super-tasty, deliciously beefy cut, but there are a few tricks to doing it right. Learn them, and your skirt steak will be amazing every time!


– skirt steak – salt – pepper – olive oil

Listen to me explain briefly about how to make this recipe, with some great tips along the way, by clicking the link below.

Cut the steak into 2 or 3 5- to 7-inch lengths.


Preheat a large skillet (large enough to hold the steak pieces without crowding) over high heat.


Meanwhile, pat the steak pieces dry with paper towels. Sprinkle with the salt and pepper.


When the skillet is good and hot, add the oil.


Add the steak pieces and cook undisturbed until well browned, 2 to 3 minutes.


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