How to Cook Butternut Squash Whole

Butternut squash is super-easy to cook if you know this simple technique. Learn how to cook butternut squash whole and save yourself some hassle!


– 1 whole butternut squash

This method for cooking butternut squash is perfect for if you want to make soup or a puree for anything else.

Preheat oven to 425°F. Line a 13″x 11″ pan with aluminum foil.


Put the squash in the pan. Poke it in 5-6 places with a sharp knife.


Roast until a knife or skewer goes in easily, 60-80 minutes. It will be a mottled brown and a bit shriveled on the outside.


Cut it in half lengthwise.


Use a spoon to scoop out the seeds and stringy flesh surrounding them. Discard.


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