Raw tri-tip on butcher paper with lines drawn to show cuts

Instructions: How to Cut Tri-Tip

  • Author: Christine Pittman


Learn how to expertly cut tri-tip for tender slices every time.


  • Cooked tri-tip


  1. Let your cooked tri-tip rest for 10 minutes before slicing.
  2. Locate the area in the middle where the grain switches direction and cut the tri-tip in half at that point.
  3. Start with the narrower “tail section” and place it on your cutting board so that the grain is running from right to left. Slice thinly perpendicular to that grain, working from right to left. Set those slices aside.
  4. Take the second piece of meat and place it on the cutting board so that the grain is running from right to left. Optional: Cut this piece into two halves to make them easier to slice. The cut will be made parallel to the grain along the mid-point, such that you’re making one horizontal slice. 
  5. Slice your remaining piece or pieces against the grain from right to left making thin, vertical slices.